To get in the top 10, when you reach your max level you’re going to want to keep pushing as hard as you can and babysit more. That should get you well within the top 20.

So put your supports away and make sure you have strong fast hitters. The reason is that you’re going to blast through everything, especially with bought gear, that there is no need for heals.

Make sure none of them are support, until you’re at your previous max level. The next thing you’re going to want to do is choose good farming heroes, like Sakura Chiyo (no higher than level 14). If you want to “pay to win” you can buy a chest and outfit everyone, but that can be overkill. Take the green and craft it into something more powerful if you have the iron. The 30 gems is pretty cheap too for items, especially for your hero. I can buy stronger armor / weapons than what I have in my current tombstone, meaning it’ll take me all the way to where I was at before and then some. Good example, my max right now is level 700ish. That’s going to get you through really far in the game without really having to deal with much in the way of constantly checking to equip new gear and keep you one hitting things for as long as feasible. Even cheap green ones are awesome, because for 30 gems you can go in and have them crafted into epic or legendary gear in exchange for steel. The next strategy is to avoid buying your tombstone and instead buy items from the store. Outside of that, you’ll want the game open so you’re constantly advancing.

You’ll want to cash in encounters as soon as they’re done and run the gold dungeon if it’s up for instance. If you run out of inventory spaces, you can’t progress for instance. Especially the further you get into the game. The first strategy is to babysit the game. There are some strategies that you can use to take you to the top. How do you win this Sprint? Well, it’s actually not 100% pay to win. Endless World is an idle game and it has a cool feature sort of like Tap Titans 2 and other idle games where you enter into a 2 day contest to see who can get the furthest the fastest.